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Why Should You Attend Excel Academy Charter School?

The Mission of Excel Academy Charter School is to enrich the academic, social, and emotional experiences of every student through rigorous curriculum and engaging opportunities. 

Our Vision is to develop empathetic, confident, and responsible lifelong learners who see themselves as valuable contributors to their communities. 

Our Core Values set us apart at Excel. We are very clear about the work we are doing to educate 21st-century learners and what it takes for us to be a community in service to that work. We are deeply dedicated to these shared values to support a common understanding among staff, students, and families and ensure every student is getting the most out of their school day.

K–8 Program

Our K–8 program offers:

  • Smaller class sizes: 18 students in K/1 classrooms to focus on early literacy skills
  • Highly qualified staff to support a variety of student needs, including gifted and talented, intervention support and special education 
  • A research-based social and emotional learning curriculum 
  • K/5 Specials: Art, music, physical education, library/tech 
  • Highly qualified and endorsed teachers 
  • Paraprofessionals to support students 
  • Opportunities for student leadership and voice across elementary and middle school
  • National Junior Honor Society in middle school 
  • Opportunities for academic acceleration 
  • Project-based and multi-age opportunities for students. 
  • 7th and 8th grade end-of-year projects to build skills and prepare students for high school and beyond 
  • An environment where staff knows all students' strengths/needs 
  • Intentional use of campus spaces, including small group areas, science labs, art studio, and makerspace for creative group projects

What is a Charter School?