Excel Academy Charter's curriculum and academic programs provide a quality education that prepares students for a successful future.
The hope is that transparency in curriculum resources will build community understanding of the high expectations of the Colorado Academic Standards, which Excel Academy students are expected to meet, as outlined in the units of study for each content area.
Excel Academy curriculum will be updated as the Colorado Department of Education reviews and approves state standards.
Excel Academy Charter School Curriculum
Curricula: Literacy - McGraw Hill
As Excel Academy emerged from the mission and vision work in 2021-2022 which included an audit of curricular resources, we dedicated funding to create cohesion across curricular content and invested in an updated CDE approved literacy curriculum for K-8 and added Lexia Core 5 as a supplementary literary resource. Additionally, all K-3 teachers completed the CDE Science of Reading training provided and required by the CDE. The literacy materials chosen for adoption at Excel were vetted within Jeffco Public Schools and at the school level by staff and families. Students in grades K-5 use Wonders (a McGraw Hill literacy package) and students in grades 6-8 use Study Sync (the middle school materials from the same publisher.)
With the support of our additional reading specialist(s), students on READ plans in grades K-3 and students who may fall below the fiftieth percentile on MAP testing in grades 4-6 in literacy can be targeted for support.
Curricula: Handrwriting - Zane-Bloser
At Excel Academy, in kindergarten through fourth grade, the Zane-Bloser handwriting program is used for our explicit handwriting instruction. It is proven that better handwriting skills lead to better literacy skills and that developmentally appropriate handwriting instruction delivered in a consistent, ongoing manner is a proven critical component of overall literacy development. This program guides students through a step-by-step process of letter formation to increase legibility through regular self-evaluation and develop fluency and automaticity. Shape, size, spacing, and slant of letters are the basis of the instructional system.
Curricula: Mathematics - enVision 2.0
In addition to a focus on differentiation and acceleration for students with strengths in math, Excel Academy uses enVision math 2.0, a comprehensive K-8 mathematics curriculum with superior focus, coherence, and rigor. The program is designed to ensure success at every level with problem-based learning, embedded visual learning, and personalization to empower every teacher and student.
The proven instructional design of this curriculum emphasizes conceptual understanding. Problem-based learning facilitates productive struggle, strengthening student’s ability to think mathematically.
In addition to the curriculum in math, our gifted and talented specialists work with many students on extension projects and activities to make math learning relevant and applicable to real-world scenarios.
In support of a cohesive learning continuum, the curricular content vendors across all grades in the building remain consistent in those content areas so that learning is grounded in Colorado Academic Standards that gradually increase rigor across grades.
Curricula: Technology
As we continue to serve the needs of 21st century learners, we remain dedicated to the intentional use of technological resources.
We updated our servers, other internal structures, and related devices in 2022 and shifted to an off-site model of support and reallocated funds to ongoing updates for devices and hardware. Excel Academy has Interactive whiteboards in every classroom and has continued to utilize online resources within and across curricula.
In 2022, Excel provided all paraprofessionals with laptops to support their work with students and purchased 15 new iPads to support K-3 literacy progress monitoring and assessment.
Curriculu: Specialist Content
Our Specials programs consist of K-5 students rotating through different classes. These classes are:
- Art
- Music
- Physical Education
- Library & Technology