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Grading & Report Cards

Assessing and communicating student progress is an integral part of the communication between school and home. All forms of reporting about progress are meant to communicate students’ progress toward achieving grade-level standards in an effort to partner with families. Families should hear from teachers regularly about progress in all academic areas. Families may access the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus (IC) to regularly check on their child’s progress. Families may also contact individual teachers to check on their child’s progress.

Excel Academy reports progress two times each academic year. Report cards are a standards-referenced reporting tool. They are designed to provide:

  • Information to parents about how a child is progressing toward meeting the Colorado Academic Standards. Standards specify what all students should know, understand, and be able to do.
  • A summary of how a child is developing life and workforce readiness skills.

Report cards are based on Colorado Academic Standards, developed by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). CDE has created parent guides to the Colorado Academic Standards for kindergarten through fifth grade.

Definitions of Performance Levels

The academic performance levels are as follows:

4 = Exceeding Standards indicates that the student consistently exceeds grade-level academic standards and expectations

3 = Meeting Standards indicates that the student consistently demonstrates grade-level academic standards and expectations

2 = Progressing Toward Standard indicates that the student is working toward the grade-level academic standards and expectations, but has not been able to consistently demonstrate the learning

1 = Lacking adequate progress toward standard indicates that the student consistently does not demonstrate grade-level academic standards and expectations

Incomplete / Insufficient Work indicates that the student has not completed sufficient work to demonstrate grade-level academic standards and expectations

The student learning attribute performance levels are as follows:

  • ED – Student Effectively Demonstrates attribute
  • MP – Student is Making Progress toward demonstration of attribute
  • ND – Student does Not Demonstrate attribute

Family–Teacher Conferences

The staff is committed to communication with families throughout the school year. Conferences are scheduled for October and in March. If staff and/or families determine additional time is needed, they can make arrangements to communicate further directly with the teacher(s). These scheduled conferences are a wonderful opportunity to exchange more detailed information with families. We also realize that you may need additional opportunities to share timely information with staff. We ask that additional conferences be arranged ahead of time with the teacher(s) or administrators to support the preparation for that time together and provide enough notice for staff to dedicate time on their calendars. Drop-in conferences cannot be honored.

Student evaluation and grade reports

  • Grade Reports are given in December and May. Final grades for each semester can be viewed online through Infinite Campus. Excel will also provide a paper copy of semester reports.