Bonus Learning and More
Excel students can participate in a wide variety of after-school courses provided by staff and outside vendors to support areas of interest beyond the school-day offerings. Students in middle school also have the opportunity to participate in athletics and National Junior Honor Society.
A number of high-interest and engaging activities take place at Excel Academy after school. Students have an opportunity to join Art Club, Let’s Play Music, Chess Club, Lego Club, Show Choir, Talk to the Camera, Yoga & Power Brain, Debate, Mad Science, Hula Hoops, Game Club, Cheerleading, Pom & Dance, Spanish Club, Cooking Club, and a variety of ever changing options. These Bonus Learning classes run from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Middle School students (6th, 7th, and 8th) can join a sports team to include volleyball, cross country, soccer, and basketball. Practice is after school and we play in a league with other charter schools and a private school. These activities provide our students a doorway into sports and physical fitness as well as important social and team building opportunities.